Christ's Love in Cold Weather

With the weather getting colder and colder, there are lots of ways we can reach out to help our Neighbors in Need. Donations of coats and other winter clothing as well as financial donations to help pay heating bills can make an enormous difference this winter.

Taking care of our Neighbors in the winter has been a part of our mission since the Society began. When a young Frédéric Ozanam was asked to put his faith into action, he first did so by sharing his supply of firewood with a widow in need.

And even in 2021, a Vincentian in the Lesterville area helps his community stave off the cold in the same way: by running a firewood program. The St. Vincent Conference in Perryville and the Southeast District pay him for his help, allowing for folks in Lesterville to get their firewood for free. For many people in rural areas, firewood is still an essential resource.

This Vincentian’s work is proof that, if we keep our eyes open, we can find that serving our neighbors can be done in many surprising ways.

January 29, 2021 - 9:08am
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