Everyday Needs

Oftentimes on their home visits, Vincentians encounter individuals and families without sufficient food, clothes, beds, utilities, and medication. Through our various Assistance Programs, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is able to provide people in need with the basic necessities for living.

Bed Program

When Vincentians come across families and individuals without beds, sleeping on either old, unsanitary bedding or even the floor, they can give those in need vouchers for a mattress complete with pillows, sheets, and a bed frame from one of our thrift stores. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul partners with a trusted vendor that provides our thrift stores with remanufactured mattresses complete with all new components, except for recycled inner springs.

Medication Assistance

St. Vincent de Paul partners with LDI Integrated Pharmacy Services to provide prescription drugs to those who otherwise can’t afford them. The Society gives people in need the medications they require in order to go to work, go to school and care for their families.

Utility Assistance

Vincentians help our Neighbors in Need with utility assistance. Assistance includes everything from helping pay bills to providing air conditioning units. Our services help families and individuals feel safe, happy, and secure in their own homes.

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